Posts Tagged ‘malpractice lawsuit’

Should You Worry About Your Patient Records Being Altered After You File a Malpractice Suit?

The fear is common: You file a malpractice suit because you  believe there was negligence in your treatment that led to  injury, pain or trauma. Now, you’re afraid the doctor or  hospital is going to change your records to cover the errors in your diagnosis, medication or treatment. This Malpractice Guide article discusses whether or not […]

I’m Part of a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit, How Do I Get Access to My Own Medical Records?

If you have filed a medical malpractice lawsuit, then your malpractice attorney will need them in order to make a case for the negligent of health care providers. This Malpractice Guide guide will show you how you can access your personal medical records. Your Right to your Records Since you are the patient, you have the right […]

Inadequate Supply of Your Blood Type, Can You Sue the Hospital?

There is no single answer to this question that covers all of the possible circumstances. There are times when running out of your blood type, or not having an adequate supply on hand, would be considered negligence by the hospital. There are other times when you would not have a successful malpractice lawsuit showing that the […]

Mistakes of Commission or Omission, What is the Difference?

Negligence in a medical setting takes 2 primary forms; commission and omission. Either type of medical malpractice can cause injury or even death to the patient. Both are grounds for a medical malpractice lawsuit. Commission is when a medical professional does something that should not have been done; omission is the failure to do something […]

Settling Lawsuits, How to Prepare Yourself Emotionally for a Court Battle

Any lawsuit can be stressful, but when the malpractice lawsuit you’ve filed heads to court, it can be emotionally draining. How do you prepare yourself emotionally for a court battle? In this Malpractice Guide article, you will learn tips for getting through the challenges of your malpractice trial. Take Care of Yourself Physically It is very important that […]

When Should Experts Be Brought in For Malpractice Lawsuits?

Expert witnesses can be a very effective part of a malpractice lawsuit. They provide testimony that is viewed by jurors as carrying more weight because they have education, training and years of experience with the types of issues involved in the malpractice lawsuit. In this Malpractice Guide article, we will discuss when or if expert witnesses should […]